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酒店餐厅 套椅主要的作用在哪?


关于酒店 的运用要提及的是西式风格中。他们大多呈现的是商务范,沉着,干净,常见的颜色大多是绿白相间的方形格子或是卡其色上面有一些凹凸同色系花纹,这两种颜色也的确适合。但如果想要在融入一些小资情调那商务范就显得过于刻板。另外还有一种主流颜色也是大家都很喜爱的,那就是黄色系,用黄色、橙色、白色、粉红色拼接而成,格子都是从上之下一笔成型,而不是由一个有一个小方格子组成。
The first thing to mention about the use of hotel tablecloths is the Western style. Most of them present a business style, calm, clean, and common colors are mostly square squares with green and white squares or khaki with some concave and convex patterns in the same color system. These two colors are indeed suitable. But if you want to incorporate some petty bourgeoisie sentiment, the business style becomes too rigid. In addition, there is another mainstream color that everyone loves, which is the yellow color series, which is made by splicing yellow, orange, white, and pink. The grid is formed from top to bottom, rather than consisting of a small square grid.
这样的设计会显得温馨浪漫,当然,在一些高级的场所中可以选用一些暗红色的会议 ,中间放上一块方形的卡其色,庄重而又神秘。当然运用到酒店 这一装饰元素的还有一些包房以及宴会厅。包房桌椅反倒没有那么讲究刻意,而是随性而为。大多是一些大红色的盖在圆桌上,然后装上一个干净的玻璃圆盘,大多皆如此。想要说的是,如果房内的灯光呈白色,那么就不再适合使用红色了,因为这咱色彩在灯光的对比下会略显暗淡,无法达到那种温馨的感觉,这样的环境用餐的人也不会喜欢。建议设计时使用与灯光相一致的颜色,可使整体空间更加协调,给人感觉也会舒服一些。
This design will appear warm and romantic. Of course, in some high-end places, you can choose some dark red conference tablecloths with a square khaki in the middle, which is solemn and mysterious. Of course, there are also some private rooms and banquet halls that apply the decorative element of hotel tablecloths. The tables and chairs in the private room are not so deliberate, but rather follow one's inclinations. Most of them are covered in bright red on the round table and then fitted with a clean glass disc, and most of them are like this. What I want to say is that if the lighting in the room is white, then it is no longer suitable to use red because the color will be slightly dim under the contrast of the lighting, unable to achieve that warm feeling, and people who eat in such an environment will not like it. It is recommended to use colors that are consistent with the lighting during design, which can make the overall space more coordinated and give people a feeling of comfort.
What is a tablecloth? Is it just a decoration or an interpretation of personality. What is your business style? It cannot be confirmed solely by food or oral communication, only by presenting a sense of design is a good rhetorical device. Many times, she represents fashion and the feeling of an era, seemingly unimportant but vastly different from our imagination. It can be said that choosing it well is also for the sake of more people's lives.
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